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old tree stump

Should You Have Your Tree Stumps Ground Down?

When trees come down on your property, you’re left to deal with their stumps. In some cases, it’s perfectly fine to leave those stumps. In other situations, it makes more sense to have a company grind your stumps so that you don’t need to worry about them anymore. Keep reading to learn more about when stump grinding is recommended.


Tree stumps can become safety hazards, especially if they’re located in the middle of your yard or in areas that receive a lot of foot traffic. During the day, it could be easy to avoid tripping over stumps, but it could be a different scenario at night. Also, consider your visitors. When guests are at your home, they might not be expecting to come across stumps in your yard, and they could hurt themselves. To make it less likely that people get injured on your property, think about having any obtrusive tree stumps ground down.


Rotting wood can attract a variety of pests. When pests move into the tree stumps on your property, they can quickly proliferate, leading them to search for other sources of food. Unfortunately, your home might be the next target. If you’re concerned about termites, ants, beetles, or other invasive insects, it could be a good idea to have tree stumps ground down to make your property less inviting.


Tree stumps can detract from the appearance of your yard, and as a result, they can lower your home’s curb appeal. Many people pay for stump grinding services for aesthetic purposes, and this is certainly a valid reason considering how much you’ve invested in your home.

Landscaping Issues

It can be difficult to maintain your yard when stumps are in the way. Rather than mowing in straight lines, you’ll have to maneuver around them. This can make this regular task of cutting the lawn more time-consuming. Additionally, keep in mind that shoots can grow out of tree stumps, and they can be unsightly as well. Having your stumps ground down can greatly reduce the likelihood that you’ll have to deal with tree shoots.

Reach Out for Assistance

Tree stumps, when located out of the way, probably won’t affect you very much. However, when they’re located in more central areas, they can cause a variety of issues. To minimize inconveniences and keep your property looking its best, consider having your tree stumps ground down. Rest assured that the process is very straightforward if you ask for help from a skilled professional. When you call for a consultation, you won’t have to commit to anything, and you can simply learn more about the service. Contact us at Cordwin Tree Service to set up a free stump grinding consultation at your place in Ocala, FL.